Mac pro mid 2012 hdmi
Mac pro mid 2012 hdmi

mac pro mid 2012 hdmi

In that other operating system, what’s it called, oh yes, Windows 7, you can make an app full screen on one monitor and the other monitor(s) remain available for whatever use – even another full-screen. Aria mentions that this is what Gnome and KDE so. I am not 100% certain what you mean, but I can say that in other operating systems you can make an app “full-screen” and it will go full screen on that monitor and leave the other monitors alone and available for any other uses. You seem to indicate about this full-screen app behaviour “That’s the way it works on any multi-monitor use in full screen mode”. But I have not seen Mountain Lion so can only relate rumours. For example, I might want to use one of the remaining monitors to have another Full-Screen App on it in full screen (ie: Safari full-screen on one monitor, Quick TIme full screen on another), while leaving the remaining monitors for “normal” use.īy the way, when you make an app go full-screen, does it do so on the monitor where you have it or does it go to the primary display? Apparently Mountain Lion will let full screen apps go full-screen on the display where they are BUT still the remaining monitors become useless. What do I want to see? Well, simply put, I want the “Full-Screen App” go full screen on the monitor the application is on while leaving the other monitors untouched and available for whatever use I want to put them to – “normal” windows or full-screen app windows. Personally I find this behaviour to be exceedingly BAD and poorly designed (and I don’t think I am alone in this opinion). I gather that you are CONFIRMING that making a “Full-Screen App” go full screen DOES in fact render the other three monitors blank (ie: the grey linen background) and therefore you can do NOTHING with the other monitors.

Mac pro mid 2012 hdmi